Tacoma landlords hiked rents by double digits again last year and are evicting our neighbors at the highest rate in the state. It's past time tenants got organized to fight back! That's why we are organizing a Tenant Rights Action Conference on Saturday, February 11th -- to build a powerful coalition to win a Tenant Bill of Rights in Tacoma this year. Building a winning movement is only possible if we all join together!
Can you RSVP today for the February 11th Action Conference?
This is a coalition effort. Initiated by Home in Tacoma for All, the Pierce County Central Labor Council has also endorsed the Tenant Rights Action Conference, alongside Tacoma DSA, The People’s Assembly, The Conversation, UFCW 367, and many others.
The conference will feature an array of inspiring speakers, educational workshops, and a democratic discussion on our strategy to win a tenant bill of rights. On February 11th we will decide together, as a community, whether to move forward with filing a tenant rights ballot initiative or to focus on a pressure campaign on the City Council.
There are three things you can do right now to support this effort:
Register to attend the February 11th Tenant Rights Action Conference!
Help spread the word! Forward this email, invite friends on Facebook, and help amplify our Twitter and Instagram announcements.
Twitter = @tacoma4all
Facebook = @tacoma4all
Insta = tacoma4all
Donate! If everyone pitches in what they can, our grassroots movement can overcome the big landlords, corporate developers, and big business opposition.
Tacoma urgently needs more tenant protections. A majority of Tacoma tenants are “rent-burdened,” paying more than a third of their income on housing, and studies show exceeding this threshold leads to spikes in rates of homelessness. With housing costs rising far faster than wages, rates of displacement continue to grow.
Robust tenant protections and rent stabilization are proven to reduce inequalities and increase stability, improving outcomes in education, health, employment, and incarceration rates. Yet tenant protections in Tacoma remain extremely limited, even as a wave of tenant rights laws were passed in cities across our state and nationally. It is past time that Tackman's get the same legal protections enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of renters across Washington.
Building a powerful movement that will win tenant protections means everyone needs to step up. Can we count on you to be there on February 11th? Please RSVP here so we can win together.