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UFCW tiene un programa diseñado para reclutar miembros de base para capacitarse como organizadores o representantes sindicales.

Una vez aprobados, los SPUR serán retirados de su empresa con una licencia sindical de 90 días o más. Los SPUR están destinados a participar principalmente en la organización y representación, pero pueden asignarse a otros proyectos o departamentos.

Representante Sindical de Proyecto Especial

Programa de pasantías SPUR


Would you like to learn more about our Union and how you can make a difference? Do you have any special skills that could benefit Local 367 and the membership?

SPUR's will receive extensive training to take back into their worksites after completion of the program. This means that you have the ability to go back to the company that you worked for prior to your assignment with the exact same wages, hours, benefits, and position but with a greater sense of power and ability as a leader.

Expected Activities Include:

Trabajar individualmente o en parejas con Representantes y Organizadores Sindicales. Las asignaciones podrían incluir hacer visitas a domicilio, realizar investigaciones y educar a los trabajadores sobre los beneficios de ser miembro del sindicato.

Developing blitzes and following up on organizing leads at non-union stores and plants.

Attending City Council Meetings and Issue-based community and political work.

Work pertaining to representation and membership services.

We welcome members to share their skills, whether in tech, social media, communications, or other areas.

Para obtener más información sobre el programa SPUR, comuníquese con su representante sindical .

Attending Rallies and/or Press Conferences.

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